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What is the market cap of Fantom?

The current market cap of Fantom is $675.53M. A high market cap implies that the asset is highly valued by the market. What is the all time high of Fantom? The all-time high of Fantom is $3.48. This all-time high is highest price paid for Fantom since it was launched.

How much is a Fantom token?

As of Aug 23, 2023, the price of 1 FTM token is $ 0.208018. How many Fantom tokens are left? There are currently 2.80B FTM in circulating supply, while there are exactly 3.18B tokens in max supply right now. Are Fantom transaction fees high? Fantom fees vary from transaction to transaction but usually they are comparably low.

What is Fantom price prediction sentiment?

The Fantom price prediction sentiment is currently bearish, while Fear & Greed Index is showing 41 (Fear). Fantom's current circulating supply is 2.80B FTM out of max supply of 3.18B FTM. The current yearly supply inflation rate is 10.11% meaning 257.31M FTM were created in the last year.

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